Distribution of the Mezenc Marmots

Call for Collaboration

We need your observations!
In order to improve our knowledge of the marmots living around the Mezenc Mount, we want to enlarge our potential for observation and gather the observations performed by people living in the area as well as by the visitors of the region. We are particularly interested by the observations related to :
  • marmot emergence dates in spring (usually from February to March)
  • late observation dates, preceeding hibernation (October or November)
  • observations of marmot cubs at the beginning of summer
  • observations of marmots far from well known places
  • any other observation which would have kept your attention.

  • In order to send observations, we hope you will spent a few minutes to fullfil the hereunder form destinated to upgrade our database.

    Thanks a lot for your collaboration and nice to read you soon.

    Your Name:
    Your E-mail:
    Date of observation:
    Place of observation:
    Number of marmots observed: of which marmot cubs.
    Activity of the marmots:


    Citation : mezenc.linneenne-lyon.org/observ.php - © 2012-2024, Le Berre M., Metral J. (ONCFS), Putz O. (LPO) & Ramousse R.

    Dernière modification le 2019-06-21 12:00:33