Dispersion and Colonization
by Mezenc Marmots

Caption: Increase Steady Decrease Disparition

The Demographic Accident of 1997

The mapping affects 32 sites analysed in 1996-97.
Related to the demographic change between these two years, 4 categories of change were observed:
Sites where number in 1997 was higher than in 1996 (green dots)
Sites where number in 1997 was the same as in 1996 (blue disks)
Sites where number in 1997 was lower than in 1996 (red disks)
Sites where marmots disappeared in 1997 (black disks)

Results :
11 sites increased their number, with 20 animals more
1 sites had steady number
17 sites reduced their number, with 47 animals less
Marmottes totally disappeared in 3 sites

On the whole, marmot population loosed 27 individuals and its increasing rate falled to -15 %

Look at the mapping of each demographic accident:

Citation : mezenc.linneenne-lyon.org/cartoacc.php - © 2012-2024, Le Berre M., Metral J. (ONCFS), Putz O. (LPO) & Ramousse R.

Dernière modification le 1970-01-01 01:00:00